....if the bombs don't get you the quicksand will.
Being regular visitors to this part of the north Northumberland coast, the signs do tend to become invisible and so when we came across a strange circular depression in the sand we scratched heads and pontificated on all sorts of natural reasons why the tides might have created this weird effect. It was only back home that the penny droppped. The signs are true. The MoD are still clearing the site of bombs dating back to its days as an air to ground bombing range from about 1945 to the early 50s. Sixty years on and bombs are still surfacing.
At least the dunes are a bit more tranquil and this time of year produces two of my all time favourite flowers - the harebell and rest-harrow. This summer seems particulary prolific for rest harrow, I must say.
This year I saw the first white harebells I have come across at Goswick - all mixed in with blues. I posted about white varieties of harebells last year and two theories emerged from the discussion - one that it was a mutation capable of continuation through self pollination so that seeds would produce white flowering plants and the other that a virus might be involved in which case seeds would produce blue flowered plants.
Are white harebells getting commoner or am I just noticing them more?
This year I saw the first white harebells I have come across at Goswick - all mixed in with blues. I posted about white varieties of harebells last year and two theories emerged from the discussion - one that it was a mutation capable of continuation through self pollination so that seeds would produce white flowering plants and the other that a virus might be involved in which case seeds would produce blue flowered plants.
Are white harebells getting commoner or am I just noticing them more?
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